
Showing posts from May, 2021

Online Assignment on Approaches of Educational Technology

EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Definitions of Educational Technology • "Educational technology is defined as the development,  application and evaluation of systems, techniques and aids to  improve the process of human learning. "- NCET(National  Council of Educational Technology) • "Educational technology may be defined as the application of  laws as well as recent discoveries of science and technology to  the process of education"- S. S. Kulkarni. • "Educational technology is the application of scientific methods  and techniques of education"- B. P. Lulla. • "Educational technology is in the form of detailed application of  the psychology of learning to practical teaching problems."- De  Ceoco(1971) • "Educational technology defined as science of techniques and  methods by which educational goals could be realized"- Shiv. K.  Mitra(1968) Benefits of Educational technology a. Technology can make education more productive b. Technology can make

Online Assignment on Classical Art forms - Nangiarkoothu

INTRODUCTION                     Kerala is a haven for the lover of dance, drama and music and festivals. You have scores of art forms, which are quite unique in nature to Kerala. The art forms help one to experience a gamut of varied emotions ranging from passion, love, kindness, compassion to mirth, joy, sorrow, grief, and from anger, wonder, horror to fear, valour, courage etc.                        Kerala is home to a stunningly unique variety of art forms which have impacted the social and cultural life of the state, adding to its typical character. Kerala is also distinctly famous for its other art forms like music and poetry as well as craft forms including murals, sculpture and architecture. The rich and vibrant culture of Kerala has been continuing to intrigue people worldwide. The traditional classic and folk songs and dances of the people, their ballads, their rituals and their intellectual pursuits form the real treasures of Kerala contributing to its rich cultural herit

Online assignment on the contribution of scientists- James Watson and Francis Crick

Francis Harry Compton Crick Born on 8 June 1916 near Northampton.  He studied physics at University College, London, and during World War Two worked for the Admiralty on the development of mines. He changed from physics to biology and in 1947 began to work at Cambridge University.  By 1949, he was working at the Medical Research Council unit at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge. In 1951, an American student, James Watson, arrived at the unit and the two began to work together. James Dewey Watson Born on 6 April 1928 in Chicago.  He studied at the universities of Chicago, Indiana and Copenhagen. He then moved to Cambridge University.  Contributions Watson and Crick worked together on studying the structure of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), the molecule that contains the hereditary information for cells. At that time Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin, both working at King's College, London, were using X-ray diffraction to study DNA. Crick and Watson used their findings in their

Online Assignment on techniques used in teaching Natural Science- Peer tutoring and Team teaching

Peer tutoring    The word "peer" is derived from a Latin word 'par' meaning equal. Peer group means persons of same age or a group of persons with same interest. Likewise, Peer tutoring is a flexible, peer mediated strategy that involves students serving as academic tutors and tutees. It is an instrumental strategy that consists of students with lower achieving students or those with comparable achievement for learning sessions. There are mainly three research-supported peer tutoring strategies: 1.Cross-age tutoring                 It is a peer tutoring approach that joins students of different ages with older students assuming the role of tutor and younger students assuming the role of student. 2.Peer-assisted learning strategies(PALS)                      This method is used to enable a wide range of students to participate and increase success in school. It is designed to supplement already existing math and reading curriculum.                      There are two se